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    When certain members of the species Homo sapiens obtained the capacity to digest lactose beyond the age of infancy, it gave them a competitive advantage by allowing them to access a food supply rich in nutrients and making it possible for them to domesticate dairy cattle, sheep, and goats. The fact that this gene has been passed down from generation to generation suggests that it offers a benefit to those who are able to carry it.

    The protein found in milk is used as a benchmark for determining the nutritional value of other proteins, however recent studies have shown that drinking milk may not be the healthiest option. In this day and age of antibiotics, when we have done so much damage to our microbiomes, the ingestion of a meal that is exceptionally nutritious, such as milk, poses the danger of feeding the harmful bacteria that predominate in the guts of many individuals.

    In addition, an overabundance of harmful bacteria may cause a condition known as “leaky gut,” which refers to the entry of protein molecules and bacteria into circulation. This, in turn, can lead to the development of autoimmune illnesses and food sensitivities. If you are experiencing problems in your stomach, it is best not to consume dairy products. This is the bottom line.

    On the other hand, if you have a healthy microbiome, then it is likely that you will benefit from it. Milk is clearly beneficial for infants, and unlike other foods, milk does not lose any of its nutritious content as we become older. Some people believe that since no other animal continues to drink milk after it has been weaned, humans should not either.

    I suggest that they don’t because they either haven’t figured out how to milk a cow or they don’t have the version of the lactase gene that enables them to make use of that energy source, or both of those things.

    Appetite regulation

    Consumption of milk has not been connected to either weight gain or obesity, and there is some evidence that it may help suppress hunger. According to research that was conducted in 2013, dairy made participants feel fuller and lowered the total amount of fat that they consumed during the day.

    Research has shown a correlation between consuming dairy products with full fat and having a lower body mass index. In addition, some research suggests that consuming dairy products, in general, may help prevent weight gain.

    Bone development

    Children that drink milk may see an improvement in their weight as well as their bone density. Additionally, it lowers the probability of fractures occurring in children.

    According to research conducted on pregnant women, those who consumed a diet that was high in dairy products and calcium-containing foods had children who had greater bone development and mass when compared to the children of women who consumed diets that were less nutritious.

    Milk is an excellent source of proteins, which are essential for the development and maintenance of strong bones, teeth, and muscles. There are around 7 to 8 grams of casein and whey proteins in a single cup of milk.

    Wellness of the bones and teeth

    The amount of calcium that is required on a daily basis for adults may be met by drinking only one cup of milk. In addition, potassium and magnesium may be found in milk. Minerals like these are essential for maintaining strong teeth and bones. Nearly half of the calcium that is consumed in a normal American diet comes from dairy products.

    Most milk includes added vitamin D. About fifteen percent of the daily value may be found in one cup of fortified milk. Calcium absorption and bone mineralization are two of the numerous functions that are facilitated by vitamin D’s presence in the body. Vitamin D is an essential nutrient.

    Treatment of diabetes

    The condition known as diabetes type 2 is defined by having excessive amounts of sugar in the blood. Diabetes may put you at an increased risk for:

    Drinking milk may reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in adults, according to the findings of many research. It’s possible that this is because milk proteins help maintain a healthy balance in your blood sugar.

    Good for the heart

    There is some evidence that the fat included in milk might help boost HDL, or “good,” cholesterol levels. Maintaining normal levels of HDL cholesterol may reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease and stroke.

    In addition to this, milk is an excellent supplier of the mineral potassium. This mineral aids in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.

    Cows that are either pastured or fed grass produce milk that is higher in conjugated linoleic acid and omega-3 fatty acids. These fats contribute to the maintenance of a healthy cardiovascular system.

    In my opinion, you should approach everything with moderation. To say that it is unnatural to ingest the milk of another animal or to consume milk after one has reached the age of infancy strikes me as having a limited perspective. We eat an excessive amount of food products that are not found in nature.

    We swallow things that, by their very nature, need chewing (almonds, rice, oats, etc.). Even grass, which we shouldn’t be chewing, may be consumed in small amounts. Those that have been fermented, as well as things that are being devoured by alien germs, are all fair game for human eating.